Pale Moon
YouplayasGaiainasolocampaigntorestorecolortotheworldbeforeit'slostforgood.Useavarietyofelementalabilitiestosolvepuzzlesand ...,7-ZIPpackedWindowsversions.Thesearesimply7-zippedversionsofthePaleMoonbrowser.Perfectfortesting,advanceduse,andquickuse...
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Brushlings Pale Moon
You play as Gaia in a solo campaign to restore color to the world before it's lost for good. Use a variety of elemental abilities to solve puzzles and ...
Download Pale Moon
7-ZIP packed Windows versions. These are simply 7-zipped versions of the Pale Moon browser. Perfect for testing, advanced use, and quick use (unpack and run).
Pale Moon 33.0.0 免安裝中文版
2024年2月3日 — Pale Moon 開發團隊認為Firefox 瀏覽器並沒有針對Windows 來進行優化,因此他們將Firefox 瀏覽器重新優化編譯,大幅提昇了速度和效率,因此誕生了Pale ...
The Pale Moon Project homepage
Pale Moon is an Open Source, Mozilla-derived web browser available for Microsoft Windows and Linux, focusing on efficiency and ease of use.
[下載] Pale Moon 蒼月瀏覽器
蒼月瀏覽器(Pale Moon)是一個開放原始碼的網頁瀏覽器,官方提供Microsoft Windows和Linux版本,而對macOS有非官方版本,以及其他各種平台的貢獻者版本。Pale Moon的 ...